With twenty-five years of media and communications experience, Tasha is one of Canada’s best-known political analysts, thought leaders and media personalities.
Named as one of Canada’s “Top 100 Most Powerful Women” for her work in media and communications by the Women’s Executive Network, Tasha is a best-selling author, national political columnist for Postmedia in Canada, a writer for La Presse in Quebec and GZero Media in New York, author of In My Opinion on Substack, and a political analyst for Radio Canada. Fluently bilingual, Tasha provides media commentary in both English and French and is a sought-after speaker, emcee and moderator. She is represented by Speakers’ Spotlight.
Recent Media Posts
It’s over. For now. Until he decides to hit us again. After a weekend of pain, Canada has 30 days before the United States decides if we’ve been good enough, or we deserve another beating. Tariffs? Takeover? Who knows what President Donald Trump has in store for us. But one thing is clear: we can never trust him again.
Trump wants to use tariffs to break Canada. Our GDP could drop by two to four per cent and put us in an official recession. Two and half million jobs would be at risk. People would get poorer at a time when two million of us are already using food banks. Throw in a simultaneous diet of pro-annexation propaganda pumped out by Trump’s friends on social media, and the blathering of front groups funded by vested interests, and the 13% of Canadians who favour joining the US could swell to the point where they put political pressure on Ottawa to cave to Trump’s demands. Here’s what we have to do.
The sharks are circling the tank.
Yesterday, former BC premier Christy Clark made headlines for eyeing the Liberal leadership, when it eventually opens up. Clark is taking French lessons, and according to sources who spoke to the National Post, several Chrétien and Martin-era Liberal organizers are supporting her potential candidacy. Clark tempered the speculation on X, writing that “The Prime Minister has earned the right to make any decision about his leadership on his own — the position of leader is not open.” For now.
Love him or hate him, you’ve got to give Justin Trudeau credit. He is the political equivalent of a cockroach. You can spray him with invective, stomp on him with slogans, drown him in bad polls, and still he scuttles along, fighting to survive. And not only survive, but attack, accusing his opponents of the greatest sin in politics: being traitors to their country.
Dernières mises à jour en français
Les campagnes, les débats et les élections canalisent les conflits sous des formes non violentes, permettant aux citoyens de régler leurs différends par des bulletins de vote plutôt que par des balles. Mais tout le monde n’accepte pas ces règles du jeu. Le plus grand échec des démocraties est de supposer que tout le monde priorise le discours et renonce à la violence. Il y a beaucoup d’individus, de groupes et de sociétés qui considèrent l’usage de la force comme un moyen légitime d’atteindre des objectifs politiques. Et lorsque les conditions sont réunies, ils peuvent renverser une démocratie.
Que signifie « décoloniser » ? Pour les universitaires, il s’agit de se débarrasser des institutions ou des modes de pensée imposés par la colonisation. D’éliminer les structures de pouvoir imposées à une culture par une autre, souvent par la force. Et, dans certains cas, de se débarrasser des colonisateurs eux-mêmes.
La droite populiste et la gauche radicale mettent la démocratie en péril
Regarder la convention républicaine cette semaine ressemble à un exercice d’amnésie collective. C’est comme si le libre-échange était une fantaisie. Comme si la guerre froide n’avait jamais eu lieu.
Oubliez le président Ronald Reagan appelant M. Gorbatchev à « abattre ce mur ». Maintenant, il s’agit de les construire, pour empêcher les personnes et les marchandises indésirables d’entrer dans le pays. Relevez le pont-levis : l’Amérique fera cavalier seul.
On se souviendra du premier ministre Brian Mulroney pour bien des choses. Il a remporté une élection sur le libre-échange et a ouvert de nouvelles opportunités économiques aux Canadiens. Il a convaincu le président américain Ronald Reagan de signer le traité sur les pluies acides afin de réduire les émissions industrielles qui dévastaient les...