Tasha Kheiriddin: Trudeau's interference allegations a dramatic act of self-preservation

Love him or hate him, you’ve got to give Justin Trudeau credit. He is the political equivalent of a cockroach. You can spray him with invective, stomp on him with slogans, drown him in bad polls, and still he scuttles along, fighting to survive. And not only survive, but attack, accusing his opponents of the greatest sin in politics: being traitors to their country.

When Trudeau took the stand at the Hogue Inquiry this week, he dropped a political bomb: “I don’t believe in using national security information for partisan purposes, but …” And then he sighed. And then he paused. “I have names of a number of parliamentarians, former parliamentarians, and/or candidates in the Conservative Party of Canada who are engaged in or at high risk of foreign interference.”

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