Trudeau's 'independent' Senate is a sham
Who knew Canadians cared so much about the Senate? Congratulate an old friend on his appointment to the Upper House, as I did to veteran broadcaster and newly named Senator Charles Adler, and you unleash a volley of cheers — and a torrent of vitriol. The most recurrent slurs were “Liberal” and “hypocrite,” referencing Adler’s trenchant criticism of the Conservatives, anti-vaxxers, and the institution he is now joining. The implication is that appointees must curry favour with the prime minister, and that if you say a bad word about the Red Chamber, you shouldn’t accept an appointment there.
La vidéo «manipulée» des libéraux sur Twitter sent l’alarmisme désespéré des «soldats armés»
La véritable cible des attaques libérales n’est peut-être pas les conservateurs, mais le NPD?
The Liberals’ ‘manipulated’ Twitter video smacks of desperate ‘soldiers with guns’ scaremongering
Perhaps the real target of the Liberal attacks is not the Tories, but the NDP.